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Oppenheim's International Law 9th ed: Volume 1 Peace (Hardback)

Edited by: Robert Jennings, Arthur Watts, Oppenheims

ISBN13: 9780582501089
ISBN: 0582501083
Published: March 1992
Publisher: Longmans
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback, 2 Parts
Price: Out of print
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780582302457

Out of Print

Volume 1 Peace is in 2 parts
Volume 1: Introduction and Part 1 & Volume 2: Parts 2-4

First published in 1905/06 International Law or Oppenheim's International Law as it is widely known, has established itself as one of the number one reference volumes in the field of International Law.

This completely revised and updated ninth edition should be much welcomed in the field of International Law. It is nearly twice the length of the eighth edition and takes account of the increase in the scope and content of international law, and in the range of source material available. As far as possible, the volume takes account of developments up to the beginning of 1991, and it has been possible to incorporate some material relating to matters arising up to mid-1991.

Use has been made in particular of state and diplomatic practice, the judicial decisions of both national and international tribunals. The editors have also provided a summary of each chapter and footnotes on every page.

Publishing History of the 9th edition
Originally published by Longmans in hardback in 1992 and paperback in 1996. OUP then bought the rights in 2008 and reprinted, which is why some websites list it as 'first published' 2008.

Publishing History
1st edition 1905 : 2nd edition 1912
3rd edition 1920 : 4th edition 1928
5th edition 1937 : 6th edition 1947
7th edition 1948 : 8th edition 1955
9th edition 1992 (2 Parts)

Public International Law
The first sub-volume contains:
Preface to the ninth edition
Table of Cases
1. Introduction: Foundations and development of international law
Part 1: The subjects of international law
2. International persons
3. Position of the states in international law
4. Responsibility of states
5. Index
The second sub-volume contains:
Table of Cases
Part 2: The objects of international law
6. State territory
7. The high sea
8. Outer space
9. Individuals
Part 3: Organs of the states for their international relations
10. Heads of States and Foreign Offices
11. Diplomatic envoys
12. Consuls
13. Miscellaneous agencies
Part 4. International transactions
14. On international transactions in general
15. Treaties
16. Important groups of treaties