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Law for AQA

Catherine Elliottlecturer, University of Kingston, Frances Quinn

ISBN13: 9780582423626
ISBN: 0582423627
Published: August 2001
Publisher: Pearson Education Ltd
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This book is based on the book English Legal System by the same authors and has been developed to cover the needs of students following the new AQA syllabus for AS and A-Level Law. It covers AS modules 1-3 including 'concepts of liability', in module 3, A2 module 6 'concepts of law', and A2 module 5 'protection of freedoms, overall, the book provides a clear and comprehensive survey of the English legal system and how it works in practice. *Comprehensive and up to date with recent cases and statutes and developments in the area of constitutional reform and civil liberties, including: Enactment of the Human Rights Bill; devolution in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and implications of the Lawrence Inquiry for criminal justice; developments in judicial review including the Pinochet case. *Based on market leading text, specially adapted for AQA students. *Attractive page design. *Provides critical discussion of issues and topical material that appeals to students. *Glossary of legal terms and exam advice.;*Chapters follow course specifications and are organised to aid learning and revision including new questions from the relevant examining bodies.

Preface.Table of Cases.Abbreviations.Part 1: Law making. Introduction 1. Case Law 2. Statute Law 3. Delegated Legislation 4. European Law 5. Equity 6. Treaties 7. Law Reform Part 2: Dispute solving.
8. The Judiciary 9. Barristers and Solicitors 10. The Jury System 11. Magistrates' Courts 12. Lay Participation in the Legal System 13. Access to Justice 14. Criminal Justice System 15. Young Offenders 16. Civil Justice System 17. Tribunals 18. Appeals and Judicial Review 19. Ombudsmen 20. Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution Part 3: Protection of freedoms.
21. Introduction to Civil Liberties 22. Freedom of Assembly and Public Order 23. Freedom of Association 24. Freedom from Discrimination 25. Freedom of the Person 26. Freedom of Expression 27. Remedies for Infringement of Civil Rights Part 4: Concepts of law.
28. Law and Rules 29. Law and Morals 30. Law and Justice 31. Legal Rights and Duties Part 5: Concepts of liability.
32. Introduction to Criminal Liability 33. Elements of a Crime 34. Strict Liability 35. Non-fatal Offences Against the Person 36. Negligence 37. Sentencing 38. Remedies in Tort 39. Legal Personality 40. Minors in Criminal Law