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Crime and Criminal Justice Policy 2nd ed

Tim NewburnDepartment of Social Policy and Politics, Goldsmith's College, University of London

ISBN13: 9780582369559
ISBN: 058236955X
Previous Edition ISBN: 0582234336
Published: April 2002
Publisher: Pearson Education Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £77.99

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This text is an introduction to the history of British criminal justice policy and a survey of the current debates about the British criminal justice and penal systems. It covers not just the courts, probation and prison services but also policing, crime prevention and the issues surrounding the treatment of victims by the criminal justice system.

This new edition provides a general update and revision, and records the substantial changes in criminal justice policy and legislation since the late 1990s, particularly those introduced by the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. There is also a new chapter on crime prevention and community safety and increased coverage of young offenders, reflecting the current government's focus.

1. The Emergence of the Modern Penal System;2. Prisons and Imprisonment in Post-War Britain;3. The Police and Policing Policy;4. Crime Prevention and Community Safety;5. The Probation Service: The Dilemma of Care and Control;6. Sentencing and Non-Custodial Penalties;7. Young Offenders and Youth Justice Policy;8. Victims and Criminal Justice Policy;9. The Future of Criminal Justice Policy;10. Guide to Further Reading;11. Bibliography;12. Index