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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Outsourcing IT: The Legal Aspects: Planning, Contracting, Managing and the Law 2nd ed isbn 9780566085970

Outsourcing I.T.

ISBN13: 9780566076985
ISBN: 0566076985
New Edition ISBN: 9780566085970
Published: February 1998
Publisher: Gower Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Information technology is one of the most common management functions to be outsourced. It is also one of the most complex. It is important to have a properly negotiated formal contract between yourself and the other party if you are entering into an outsourcing arrangement. A good contract needs careful planning and this book aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the whole process.

It starts with structuring the contract and then covers services required, staff, location, software, costs, management liaison, allowing for change, security, duration, termination and other vital provisions. There is also advice relating to public procurement and choosing a supplier.

IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
Contract planning, structuring and negotiation
selecting a supplier
public procurement
services and service level agreements
premises, equipment and human resources
transfer of staff
management liaison and review
allowing for change
confidentiality and security
duration, termination and effect of termination
redressing fault and failure.