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Social Justice/Criminal Justice

ISBN13: 9780534545581
ISBN: 0534545580
Published: July 2000
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Format: printed material (details unknown)
Price: Out of print

Based on the critical theories of criminology, this text comments on modern theories of criminology and how the concept of justice is met, or not met, by the criminal justice system. Each author shows how the theoretical framework relates to the nature and structure of our criminal justice system.

Marxist criminology and social justice, Michael Lynch and Paul Stretesky; socialist-feminist criminology and social justice, Nancy Jurik; peacemaking criminology and social justice, Hap Pepinsky; prophetic criticism and social justice, Richard Quinney; anarchist criminology and social justice, Jeff Ferrell; postmodern feminist criminology and social justice, Nancy Wonders; semiotics and social justice, Peter Manning; constitutive criminology and social justice, Greg Barak and Stuart Henry; critical race theory and social justice, Katheryn Russell; chaology and social justice, T.R. Young; catastrohpe/topology theory and social justice, Dragan Milovanovich; queer theory and social justice, Brett Stockdill; in search of social justice - toward a critical and integrated theory, Bruce A. Arrigo.