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Advocacy 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780521884761
Previous Edition ISBN: 0521611172
Published: December 2007
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: £49.99

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Advocacy explains how to win cases in court. Focusing on the techniques and methods of successful advocates, David Ross QC shows how to prepare a case for court. Writing in simple, clear language he gives the benefit of his many years of local and international experience. This second edition features new advice about how to prepare for, and run, an appeal, as well as how to write effective submissions to court.

The new edition also describes:

  • how to hold a court's attention
  • how to start and stop a witness
  • how to cross-examine all types of people, from liars to experts
  • the methods of taking objections to questions
  • how to address a jury
  • how to follow etiquette and behave ethically
  • how to win impossible cases
All the principles of advocacy are explained, from the striking start to knowledge of human affairs, and the book is rich with examples taken from real cases.

1. The nature of advocacy
2. Preparation
3. Witnesses and questions
4. Examination-in-chief
5. Cross-examination: its qualities
6. Cross-examination: method and style
7. Cross-examination of experts
8. Cross-examination on documents
9. Re-examination
10. Admissibility, objections and submissions
11. The address
12. Plea in mitigation
13. Appeals
14. Legal writing
15. Etiquette and ethics