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First Ten Years of the WTO9780521862158

ISBN13: 9780521862158
ISBN: 0521862159
Published: February 2006
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £47.99

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This 2005 book was commissioned by the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a factual account of the first decade of its existence. It aims to cover the principal activities of the WTO as the successor to GATT and the steps taken to establish a global trading system. Peter Gallagher, the author, is an independent trade analyst and consultant, who records what might be regarded as the WTO's main achievements as well as describing the controversies that have arisen in its first ten years. A useful reference book for policy makers, journalists, members of trade delegations and for everyone who requires a detailed understanding of the workings of the WTO.

International Trade
1. Can it be true?
2. The GATT becomes the WTO, 1995
3. The first years: from Marrakesh to Singapore, 1995-1996
4. The road to Singapore, 1995-6
5. Singapore to Geneva, 1996-8
6. The 50th anniversary of the Multilateral Trading System (GATT-WTO), 1998
7. Geneva Ministerial Conference, 1998
8. Geneva to Seattle, 1998-9
9. The Seattle Ministerial Conference, 1999
10. The Road to Doha, 1999-2001
11. The Doha Ministerial Conference, 2001
12. Pursuing the Doha Mandate, 2001-3
13. The aftermath of Cancun, 2003-5
14. Looking back, looking forward
A1. List of WTO Members and Observers (1 June 2005)
A2. Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (1995)
A3. Singapore Ministerial Declaration (1996)
A4. Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products (1996)
A5. Geneva Ministerial Declaration (1998)
A6. Ministerial Declaration on Global Electronic Commerce (1998)
A7. Doha Ministerial Declaration (2001)
A8. Ministerial Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (2001).