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Human Rights in Africa: from the OAU to the African Union

ISBN13: 9780521839174
ISBN: 0521839173
Published: December 2004
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £110.00

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This work examines the role of the Organization of African Unity, now the African Union, and how it has dealt with human rights since its inception in 1963. It considers the role of its main institutions both under the OAU and its transformation recently into the African Union. The book is divided into chapters examining various themes including the rights of women, the rights of the child, the concept of democracy and the right to development.

Written by a leading human rights scholar, this book is essential reading for lawyers acting for African states, and for foreign governments and NGOs active in Africa, as well as being of interest to international and comparative human rights scholars.

Other Jurisdictions , Africa
Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; 1 Historical overview of human rights within the OAU/AU; 2 The relationship between the OAU/AU and the African Commission on human and peoples’ rights; 3 The link between human rights and Democracy; 4 The relationship between conflict and human rights; 5 Women and the OAU/AU; 6 Children’s rights in the OAU/AU; 7 Refugees and human rights; 8 Development, NEPAD and human rights; 9 Conclusion; Appendix I. Charter of the Organization of African Unity; Appendix II. Constitutive Act of the African Union; Appendix III. African charter on human and peoples’ rights; Bibliography.