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Judging Democracy: The New Politics of the High Court of Australia

Haig PatapanGriffith University, Queensland

ISBN13: 9780521773454
ISBN: 0521773458
Published: April 2002
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £84.00

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The High Court is taking an increasingly important role in shaping the contours of democracy in Australia. In deciding fundamental democratic questions, does the Court pursue a consistent and overarching democratic vision? Or are its decisions essentially constrained by institutional and practical limitations? Judging Democracy addresses this question by examining the Court's recent decisions on human rights, citizenship, native title and separation of powers. It represents the first major political and legal examination of the Court's new jurisprudence and the way it is influencing democracy and the institutions of governance in Australia. A foreword to the book has been written by the former Chief Justice of the High Court, Sir Anthony Mason.

Other Jurisdictions , Australia
1. The new politics of the High Court
2. Politics of interpretation
3. Politics of rights
4. Democracy and citizenship
5. Native Title and the High Court
6. Separation of powers
7. Judging democracy.

Series: Reshaping Australian Institutions

Judging Democracy: The New Politics of the High Court of Australia
Haig PatapanGriffith University, Queensland
ISBN 9780521774284
Published July 2002
Cambridge University Press