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Jewish Law and Contemporary Issues

ISBN13: 9780521765473
Published: September 2015
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £76.99

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Organized as a series of authoritative discussions, this book presents the application of Jewish law - or Halakhah - to contemporary social and political issues.

Examining topics from divorce to war and from rabbinic confidentiality to cloning, this book carefully delineates the issues presented in each case, showing the various positions taken by rabbinic scholars, clarifying areas of divergence, and analyzing reasons for disagreement.

Written by widely recognized scholars of both Jewish and secular law, this book will be an invaluable source for all who seek authoritative guidance in understanding traditional Jewish law and practice.

Other Jurisdictions , Israel, Middle East
1. The nature and structure of Jewish law
2. Divorce
3. Jewish law and the state's authority to punish crime
4. The Sotheby sale
5. Torture and the ticking bomb
6. War
7. Dead or alive?
8. Rabbinic confidentiality
9. Cloning: homologous reproduction and Jewish law.