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Global Corruption Report 2007: Corruption in Judicial Systems

ISBN13: 9780521700702
Published: May 2007
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: Uk
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Global Corruption Report 2007 looks at how, why and where corruption mars judicial processes, and to reflect on remedies for corruption-tainted systems. The book focuses on judges and courts but situates them within the broader justice system - police, prosecutors, lawyers and agencies responsible for enforcing judicial decisions.

It also looks at the social context of the judiciary and shows how societal expectations, the existence of non-state justice mechanisms and the strength of informal networks that circumvent the justice system, all have a bearing on judicial corruption. The book takes a close look at the two main judicial corruption problems: political interference and petty bribery by court personnel.

The 37 country case studies and a series of concrete recommendations for judges, political powers, businesses, lawyers, prosecutors, academics, NGOs and donors are supplemented by 15 empirical studies of corruption in various sectors, including the justice sector.

  • Comprehensive reports on the judicial systems of 37 key countries allow the reader to assess in details the state of corruption in each
  • Features practical guidelines to identify weaknesses in judicial systems and offers effective strategies for taking action
  • Includes summaries of the latest empirical research on corruption related issues

Other Jurisdictions
Part I. Comparative Analysis of Judicial Corruption:
1. Introducing the problem Mary Noel Pepys, Transparency International
2. Independence, political interference and corruption Susan Rose-Ackerman, Stefan Voigt, Roy A. Schotland, Tom Blass and Gugulethu Moyo
3. Accountability and competence of judges Greg Mayne, Emilio Cardenas, Hector Chayer, Vincent Yang, Linda Ehrichs, Carlo Guarnieri, Zora Ledergerber, Gretta Fenner and Mark Pieth,
4. The broader justice system Edgardo Buscaglia, Nicholas Cowdery, Eva Joly, Jorge Fernandez Menendez, Fiona Darroch, Don Deya and Arnold Tsunga
5. Courts, culture and corruption Marina Kurkchiyan Gherardo Colombo, Geoffrey Robertson, Katya Salazar, Jacqueline de Gramont, Celestine Nyamu-Musembi and Stephen Golub
6. Lessons learned about fighting judicial corruption Linn Hammergren, Oluyemi Osinbajo, Keith Henderson, Fabrizio Sarrica and Oliver Stolpe
Part II. Country Reports on Judicial Corruption:
7. Country reports on judicial corruption Transparency International
Part III. Corruption Research:
8. Introduction Robin Hodess
9. When are judges likely to be corrupt? Stefan Voigt
10. Bribes, punishment and judicial immunity Ernesto Dal Bo, Pedro Dal Bo and Rafael Di Tella
11. Informality, legal institutions and social norms Ase Berit Grodeland
12. Enforcement of anti-corruption laws: the need for performance monitoring Tiernan Mennen, Eric Fry and, Richard E. Messick
13. The global corruption barometer 2006 Tom Lavers
14. Measuring corruption: myths and realities Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay and Massimo Mastruzzi
15. Corruption perceptions index 2006 Johann Graf Lambsdorff
16. Bribe payers index (BPI) 2006 Diane Mak
17. International business attitudes to corruption John Bray
18. Business corruption - speak out or take part? Tina Søreide
19. Specific manifestations of corruption: comparing Brazil and Russia Leon Zurawicki
20. Explaining patterns of corruption in the Russian regions Phyllis Dininio and Robert Orttung
21. Quantifying public procurement losses in the Czech Republic David Ondracka
22. Identifying reticent respondents in Romanian corruption surveys Omar Azfar and Peter Murrell
23. ANCORAGE-NET - sharing knowledge-based solutions to corruption control Luís de Sousa and João Triaes
24. Auditing, accountability and anticorruption - how relevant are autonomous audit agencies? Carlos Santiso.