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International Commercial Arbitration: An Asia-Pacific Perspective

ISBN13: 9780521695701
New Edition ISBN: 9789041148391
Published: March 2011
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £120.00

Despatched in 4 to 6 days.

The last 20 years have seen an exponential rise in the use of ICA for resolving international business disputes, yet international arbitration is still a scarcely regulated industry. Within this context, this book explains for the first time, ICA topic by topic with a specifically Asia Pacific focus. Principles of ICA are covered thoroughly and comparatively utilizing academic writings from Asia, Europe and elsewhere with examples of legislation, arbitration procedural rules and case law from the major Asian jurisdictions. Each principle is explained with a simple statement before proceeding to more technical, theoretical or comparative content and real-world scenarios are employed to demonstrate actual application. Readers will also be equipped to deal with the many arbitration issues which are not covered within the various arbitration statutes. International Commercial Arbitration is an invaluable resource for practitioners and students providing a unique insight into real arbitral practice specific to the Asia Pacific region, within a global context.

Other Jurisdictions , Asia, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
1. History and nature of international arbitration globally and in Asia
2. The law governing the arbitration and the role of the seat
3. Choice of law issues in international arbitration
4. The arbitration agreement
5. Jurisdiction
6. The arbitral tribunal
7. The procedure of international arbitrations
8. The arbitral award
9. Arbitral institutions, ICSID and other organisations
Glossary of terms.