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The Making of Gratian's Decretum

Anders WinrothYale University, Connecticut

ISBN13: 9780521632645
ISBN: 0521632641
Published: November 2001
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £96.99

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This book offers new perspectives on the legal and intellectual developments of the twelfth century. Gratian's collection of church law, the Decretum, was a key text in these developments. Compiled in around 1140, it remained a fundamental work throughout and beyond the middle ages. Until now, the many mysteries surrounding the creation of the Decretum have remained unsolved, thereby hampering exploration of the jurisprudential renaissance of the twelfth century. Professor Winroth has now discovered the original version of the Decretum, which has long lain unnoticed among medieval manuscripts, in a version about half as long as the final text. It is also different from the final version in many respects - for example, with regard to the use of of Roman law sources - enabling a reconsideration of the resurgence of law in the twelfth century.

Legal History
1. Gratian and the Decretum
2. Heresy and excommunication
3. Obedience or contempt
4. The two recensions of the Decretum
5. Gratian and Roman law
6. The men behind the Decretum
Conclusion: medieval law and the Decretum
Appendix: the contents of the first recension of Gratian's Decretum
Index of cited passages in Gratian's Decretum
Index of papal letters.