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Africa and the World Trade Organization

ISBN13: 9780521514767
Published: May 2009
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £110.00

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Mshomba provides a systematic study of Africa as it relates to the World Trade Organization. He examines the WTO’s enforcement mechanism; the WTO’s broadened mandate, illustrated by the Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights; agriculture in the Doha Round; issues relating to transparency in government procurement; and the endeavor to streamline assistance to developing countries through an ‘Aid for Trade’ initiative. The author integrates theory and practice, with a clear presentation of important economic concepts. He provides a rigorous analysis of key issues and proposals. He presents African countries as having an important role to play in the WTO, especially as they actively engage in bargaining through various coalitions. Mshomba acknowledges that WTO negotiations will always be complex and at times contentious due to wide economic and political differences between countries. He views the differences, however, as creating opportunities for a mutually beneficial exchange of goods, services, and ideas.

• A rigorous and well-balanced analysis of some key issues that pertain to the WTO and African countries • Clear presentation of important economic concepts, accessible to scholars, policy makers, university students, others interested in Africa • Only book on the market wholly devoted to Africa’s relations with the WTO

International Trade
1. Introduction; 2. Dispute settlement understanding; 3. Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights; 4. Agriculture in the Doha development round; 5. Transparency in government procurement; 6. Aid for trade; 7. Conclusion.