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Promoting Compliance in an Evolving Climate Regime

Edited by: Jutta Brunnee, Meinhard Doelle, Lavanya Rajamani

ISBN13: 9780521136136
Published: December 2011
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £41.99

Despatched in 4 to 6 days.

As the contours of a post-2012 climate regime begin to emerge, compliance issues will require increasing attention. This volume considers the questions that the trends in the climate negotiations raise for the regime's compliance system.

It reviews the main features of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, canvasses the literature on compliance theory and examines the broader experience with compliance mechanisms in other international environmental regimes.

Against this backdrop, contributors examine the central elements of the existing compliance system, the practice of the Kyoto compliance procedure to date and the main compliance challenges encountered by key groups of states such as OECD countries, economies in transition and developing countries.

These assessments anchor examinations of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing compliance tools and of the emerging, decentralized, 'bottom-up' approach introduced by the 2009 Copenhagen Accord and pursued by the 2010 Cancun Agreements.

Environmental Law
Introduction Jutta Brunnee, Meinhard Doelle and Lavanya Rajamani
Part I. Context
1. The emerging post-Cancun climate regime Jennifer Morgan
2. Promoting compliance with MEAs Jutta Brunnee
3. Compliance regimes in multilateral environmental agreements Jane Bulmer
Part II. The Kyoto Compliance System - Features and Experience
4. Key features of the Kyoto protocol's compliance system Rene Lefeber and Sebastian Oberthuer
5. Experience with the facilitative and enforcement branches of the Kyoto compliance system Meinhard Doelle
6. Experiences with Articles 5, 7 and 8 defining the monitoring, reporting and verification system under the Kyoto protocol Anke Herold
Part III. Compliance and the Climate Change Regime - Issues, Options and Challenges
7. The role of non-state actors in climate compliance Eric Dannenmaier
8. Facilitation of compliance Catherine Redgwell
9. Enforcing compliance in an evolving climate regime Michael Mehling
10. Financial mechanisms under the climate change regime Haroldo Machado-Filho
11. Post-2012 compliance and carbon markets Francesco Sindico
12. Compliance and the use of trade measures Jake Werksman
13. Comparability of efforts among developed country parties and the post-2012 compliance system M. J. Mace
14. From the Kyoto protocol compliance system to MRVs: what is at stake for the European Union? Sandrine Maljean-Dubois and Anne-Sophie Tabau
15. Compliance in transition countries Christina Voigt
16. The KPS and developing countries and compliance in the climate regime Lavanya Rajamani
17. The role of dispute settlement in the climate change regime Ruth Mackenzie
18. Depoliticizing compliance Geir Ulfstein
Part IV. A Look Forward
19. Conclusion Jutta Brunnee, Meinhard Doelle and Lavanya Rajamani.