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The Banning of Anti-personnel Landmines

Edited by: Louis Maresca, Stuart Maslen

ISBN13: 9780521064514
Published: June 2008
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback reissue
Price: £46.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780521783170

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The International Committee of the Red Cross has played a key role in the effort to ban anti-personnel landmines and in offering aid to victims of war and internal armed violence. This book provides an overview of the work of the ICRC in this area from 1955 through 1999, and gives additional commentary on general issues of the methods and means of warfare. It contains International Committee of the Red Cross position papers, working papers, and speeches made by its representatives to the international meetings convened to address the mines issue, including the 1995–96 Review Conference of the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and the diplomatic meeting which adopted the Ottawa treaty banning anti-personnel mines. These documents provide critical insights into the development of international humanitarian law on this issue, and will form a basis for discussions on landmines and other conventional weapons.

Public International Law
Introduction; 1. From principles to rules: regulating mines up to the 1980 Convention on Conventional Weapons; 2. The Review Conference of the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons: an initial response to the landmine crisis; 3. The Ottawa process: from regional initiatives to an international prohibition of anti-personnel mines.