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How Would You Rule?: Legal Puzzles, Brainteasers, and Dilemmas from the Law's Strangest Cases

ISBN13: 9780520290587
Published: November 2016
Publisher: University of California Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

How Would You Rule is a light-hearted introduction to fundamental concepts of law through strange but true legal cases.

Each chapter tells the story of a different case and presents the main arguments of the opposing parties. The twist? Before revealing the ruling of the court, readers are challenged to put themselves in the shoes-or the robes-of the judges and decide for themselves how they would rule in these cases.

After coming to their own solutions, readers can move on and learn how the actual judges resolved the disputes. The goal is to get readers to think for themselves about what's right and what's wrong, sharpening their own instincts for the reasons and analyses that win arguments.

Legal Humour