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Fleming's The Law of Torts 11th ed

Edited by: Carolyn Sappideen, Prue Vines, John Eldridge, Paula Giliker, Peter Handford, Barbara McDonald

ISBN13: 9780455502564
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780455218274
Published: January 2024
Publisher: Thomson Reuters Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Hardback
Price: £220.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780455502557

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

The late Professor John Fleming’s The Law of Torts by was distinguished throughout the world of tort scholarship as a work of enormous significance. It returned under esteemed new authorship in 2011 to renew the work’s place in the tort law discourse nd, now, the 11th Edition offers a comprehensive update of this classic law book.

Major new developments in the 11th Edition include:

  • Statutes - The expanding role of Civil Liability legislation and other statutes in the law of tort Property - Notions of property have evolved and expanded, with the emergence of blockchain technology and NFTs
  • Intentional Torts - Major cases on the intentional torts, including Lewis v Australian Capital Territory
  • Consent - Major developments in the legal conception of consent under various statutory regimes
  • Vicarious Liability - Many significant decisions on vicarious liability across the common law world
  • COVID-19 - Pandemic conditions and the rising gig economy challenging the orthodoxy around liability of employers and given rise to new questions in respect of the protection of personal privacy
  • Climate change - The proliferation of fresh challenges in the law of negligence and nuisance, such as Sharma v Minister for the Environment
  • Tort in digital contexts - Major developments in respect of tortious liability for acts in digital space, such as Fairfax v Voller

The core strength of Fleming’s The Law of Torts 11th Edition is its examination of legal principle. It distills the essence of tort legal principles and critically evaluates them.

Professor Fleming had an unflinching belief that no legal system is superior to any other and he combed the corners of the common law and civil law world in the search for answers. The 11th Edition continues his breadth of vision.

The authors both preserve Professor Fleming’s scholarship while contributing their own highly-respected insights. The result is an outstanding, must-have resource for all practitioners and scholars of tort law within the common law jurisdictions.

Tort Law, Other Jurisdictions , Australia
Abbreviations and Select Bibliography
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes

1. Introduction

2. Trespass and Intentional Interference with the Person
3. Intentional Invasion of Land
4. Intentional Interference with Chattels
5. Defences to Intentional Torts

6. Negligence: Introduction
7. Standard of Care
8. Duty of Care
9. Damage
10. Damages
11. Concurrent Wrongdoers
12. Defences to Negligence
13. Procedure and Proof

14. Strict Liability
15. The Principle of Rylands v Fletcher
16. Fire
17. Animals
18. The Tort of Breach of Statutory Duty
19. Vicarious Liability
20. Private and Social Insurance

21. Nuisance
22. Dangerous and Defective Premises
23. Product Liability
24. Employers
25. Defamation
26. Right of Privacy
27. Abuse of Legal Procedure
28. Misrepresentation
