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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Torts: Commentary & Materials 12th ed isbn 9780455237848

Torts: Commentary & Materials 11th ed

ISBN13: 9780455230436
New Edition ISBN: 9780455237848
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780455226866
Published: June 2012
Publisher: Thomson Reuters Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Torts: Commentary and Materials is one of the leading torts casebooks in Australia. The text provides expert commentary on carefully selected cases and materials from each core area of tort law. Considerable emphasis is placed on the choice of foundational cases as well as on the use of topical examples and questions.

The eleventh edition has been substantially rewritten and reworked to streamline and structure content to reflect the subject as taught in the majority of Australian universities, in particular to reflect the modern role of tort within legal structures, including constitutional torts and torts protecting human rights. Each chapter has been carefully revised to increase clarity. The introductory context chapter has been revised to further emphasise the theoretical basis of liability in torts and the Part covering intentional torts has been substantially revised and restructured to better reflect the status of particular torts and their relationship to other torts. It includes modern and illustrative examples and questions designed to fully engage and provoke critical analysis. The chapters on duty of care have been revised to better reflect the modern forms of argument used in various categories of negligence, making the work more accessible to students without sacrificing the complexity and detail of this important area of law.