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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Family Law 7th ed isbn 9780455246093

Family Law 6th ed

ISBN13: 9780455227023
New Edition ISBN: 9780455246093
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780455223872
Published: October 2013
Publisher: Thomson Reuters Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

In the sixth edition of Family Law, Anthony Dickey QC continues to offer a comprehensive and eloquent outline of the substantive rules of family law in Australia. This well-respected text offers an indispensible reference tool for legal practitioners and students alike.

Substantial changes have been included in the sixth edition. In particular, a new chapter has been added on de facto relationships. This addresses amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), including the new Part VIIIAB relating to financial agreements for de facto couples, and new and amended State and Territory Acts for relationships and civil partnerships. This edition further addresses various implications of family law for de facto partners, such as proceedings in financial causes, de facto maintenance provisions, and property settlement proceedings.

The sixth edition also includes discussion of developments in administrative assessment of child support, covering topics such as the duty of parents, eligibility, formalities and procedures; and the jurisdiction of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia (formerly the Federal Magistrates Court).

Family Law, Other Jurisdictions , Australia
Table of contents
1. Historical Introduction
2. Commonwealth and State Powers in Family Law
3. Introduction to the Family Law Act
4. Six Basic Terms: “Parent”, “Child”, “Party to a Marriage”, “Child of a Marriage”, “De Facto Partner”, “Child of a De Facto Partner”
5. Genesis of the Family Court
6. Family Law Courts
7. Resolution of Disputes under the Family Law Act
8. Jurisdiction of Courts Administering the Family Law Act
9. Introduction to Marriage and Nullity of Marriage
10. Marriage and Nullity of Marriage
11. Forms of Relief for a Void Marriage
12. Establishing the Existence of Marriage
13. Introduction to Divorce
14. Divorce
15. De Facto Relationships
16. The Status of Children
17. Establishing the Parentage of Children
18. Parental Powers and Responsibilities
19. Persons Possessing Parental Responsibility
20. Private Re-allocation of Parental Powers and Responsibilities
21. Parenting Orders
22. The Welfare Power
23. Best Interests of the Child the Paramount Consideration
24. Common Considerations in Parenting Proceedings
25. Orders for Contact with a Child
26. Introduction to Financial Relief for De Facto Partners under the Family Law Act
27. Introduction to Maintenance
28. Spousal Maintenance Liability
29. Spousal Maintenance Orders
30. Maintenance for Mothers of Ex-nuptial Children
32. Administrative Assessment of Child Support
33. Registration and Collection of Child Support
34. Child Maintenance under the Family Law Act
35. Introduction to Matrimonial Property
36. Introduction to Property Orders under the Family Law Act
37. The Meaning of “Property” under the Family Law Act
38. Property Jurisdiction under the Family Law Act
39. Declaration of Property Interests
40. Alteration of Property Interests: The Terms of Section 79(1)
41. Alteration of Property Interests: The Three Basic Steps
42. Alteration of Property Interests: Four Particular Powers
43. Alteration of Property Interests: The Requirement of Justice and Equity
44. Alteration of Property Interests: The Seven Considerations
45. Alteration of Property Interests: Variation of Property Orders
46. Alteration of Property Interests: Nuptial Settlements
47. Further Feature of Part VIII: Termination of Financial Relations
48. Power of Court to Set Aside Transactions
49. Introduction to Financial Agreements
50. Financial Agreements
51. Injunctions
52. Injunctions and Third Parties