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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Aviation Law in Australia 5th ed isbn 9780455240978

Aviation Law in Australia 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780455226361
New Edition ISBN: 9780455240978
Published: December 2009
Publisher: Thomson Reuters Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The aviation industry has borne the full force of the global financial crisis. The combined effect of excess capacity, weakening yields and escalating fuel costs has created, for the aviation environment, the “perfect storm”.

In the past 18 months more than 40 airlines have collapsed while those that remain fight for their survival. World-wide, governments and regulatory agencies are pursuing new directions and aviation policies with increased liberalisation and open skies agreements to create greater efficiencies for the industry while maintaining effective legislative and safety oversight.

The constant challenge of any technical publication is that it remains current and relevant. Aviation Law in Australia 3rd Edition has been thoroughly revised and expanded to meet this challenge in providing a comprehensive account of all aspects of aviation law for anyone personally or professionally involved in aviation.

In Australia the dynamics and volatility of the domestic aviation sector possess its own unique challenges. The third edition of Aviation Law in Australia reviews the recent regulatory and industry developments and new legislative requirements, including the mandating of Safety Management Systems for air operators, new security and environmental standards, and a review of CASA’s entire Regulatory Reform Program.

According to Darwinian Theory it is not necessarily the largest or the strongest that survive but those that are best able to adapt to a changing environment. Aviation Law in Australia 3rd Edition provides a definitive and practical survival guide to the legal complexities of this hostile but exciting world of aviation.

Other Jurisdictions , Air and Space Law, Australia
1. The Development of Aviation Law
2. The Australian Legal System
3. National Aviation Policy
4. The Regulation of Aviation
5. Contract Law
6. Negligence and other Torts
7. Employment and Industrial Law
8. Administrative Law
9. Criminal Law
10. Commercial and Competition Law
11. Carriage by Air
12. Aviation Insurance Law
13. Airline Operations
14. Airport Operations
15. Air Traffic Management
16. Aviation Security
17. Safety Management
18. Aircraft Accident Investigation
19. Damage by Aircraft
20. Environmental Law
21. Aviation Organisations