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Canadian Tort Law 12th ed (Student Edition)

ISBN13: 9780433519096
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780433497325
Published: April 2022
Publisher: LexisNexis Canada
Country of Publication: Canada
Format: Paperback
Price: £110.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

When Canadian Tort Law was first published in 1972, it became the first treatise on the law of torts in Canada. The twelfth edition continues the standard of excellence achieved by each previous edition. As the treatise most commonly cited by the Supreme Court of Canada and other Canadian courts, Canadian Tort Law has greatly influenced the development of tort law in Canada.

The text has been updated and in places substantially re-written to reflect changes in tort law in the past few years. In addition to long-time author Bruce Feldthusen, Erik Knutsen, Margaret Hall and Hilary Young have all returend for this new edition.

Tort Law, Other Jurisdictions , Canada
Chapter 1: Introduction: The Nature of Tort Law
Chapter 2: Direct Interferences with the Person
Chapter 3: Indirect Interferences with the Plaintiff
Chapter 4: Introduction to the Elements of Negligence: Damage and Causation
Chapter 5: Negligence: The Standard of Care and its Breach
Chapter 6: Duty
Chapter 7: Remoteness of Damage and Proximate Cause: The Scope of Liability
Chapter 8: Negligent Infliction of Mental Injury
Chapter 9: Negligent Inflictions of Pure Economic Loss
Chapter 10: Defences to Negligence: The Conduct of the Plaintiff
Chapter 11: The Land Torts: Trespass to Land, Nuisance, & The Rule From Rylands v. Fletcher
Chapter 12: Vicarious Liability
Chapter 13: Governmental Liability
Chapter 14: Defamation
Chapter 15: Occupiers’ Liability