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Written Advocacy 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780433472377
Published: May 2013
Publisher: LexisNexis Canada
Country of Publication: Canada
Format: Paperback
Price: Price on Application

Mastering the art of writing effectively and persuasively is critical to the success of civil litigators. The outcome of many legal proceedings - whether at court, an administrative tribunal, arbitration or mediation - often depends on the written advocacy skills of the lawyers involved.

Authored by a recognized expert in civil litigation, Written Advocacy can help both new and experienced lawyers hone their writing abilities so they can provide the best possible representation for their clients. Now in its second edition, this helpful guide offers useful tips and advice for drafting effective letters, pleadings, memoranda, and other litigation-related documents.

Advocacy, Drafting and Legal Writing
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Grammar
Chapter 4: Legal Memorandum
Chapter 5: Civil Pleadings
Chapter 6: Motions and Applications
Chapter 7: Pre-Trial Conference Memoranda
Chapter 8: ADR Briefs
Chapter 9: Factums
Chapter 10: Written Argument at Trial
Chapter 11: Appeals
Chapter 12: Written Advocacy Before Administrative Tribunals
Index .