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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Professional Indemnity Insurance Law 3rd ed isbn 9780414056213

Professional Indemnity Insurance Law 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780421966604
New Edition ISBN: 9780414056213
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421382406
Published: December 2007
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Forming part of the Insurance Practitioners' Library this book takes a comprehensive look at all the aspects of professional indemnity insurance law. It analyses all relevant areas of law, from the nature and extent of the legal relationship between a professional and client, through to the detailed discussion of insuring clauses to be found in modern professional indemnity policies. Professional Indemnity Insurance Law offers a detailed exposition required to assist those seeking to find solutions to the various problems faced in this complicated area of law, whether acting for the insured professional or the insurer.

  • Comprehensive and authoritative discussion of all aspects of professional indemnity insurance law
  • Outlines key principles for professional conduct, insurance and indemnity law and professional indemnity insurance so you understand the foundations upon which contracts are drawn up and cases are disputed 
  • Covers making the contract, preliminary clauses and clauses on risk, so you are clear on the relevant law 
  • Discusses insolvency in the professional indemnity insurance context 
  • Provides fully up to date reference to case law including: Immerzeel v Santam Ltd; Patrick v Royal London; KR v Royal & Sun Alliance; AIG v Faraday Capital; Plymouth & SW Co-op v ASM
  • Written by experts who specialise in insurance law giving you guidance you can rely on
Mr lan Enright is a practising solicitor and has over 20 years expenence of corporate and commercial, financial services and insurance law. He is an acknowledged author and a practitioner in insurance law acting for both Insurers and insured. lan wrote the original section on Australia in "International Insurance Law and Regulation". He teaches the University of New South Wales insurance master of laws course. He is also a director of financial services entities and is recognised by industry and peer reviews as a pre-eminent practitioner.

Dr Digby Jess is a practising Barrister and has over twenty-five years' experience of insurance, commercial, professional negligence, and building/construction litigation and arbitration. He is an acknowledged author and practitioner in insurance law, acting for both insurers and insured. Digby Jess is also a practising Chartered Arbitrator in the fields of commercial law and building/construction disputes.

Insurance Law
Introduction and Making the Contract
-Indemnity Insurance
-Professional Indemnity insurance
-Utmost good faith
-Terms and form of the contract
The Professional Indemnity Policy- Preliminary Clauses
-Construction and effect of policy terms
-Parties and claimants
-The insured
-The insurer
-Duration and cover of renewals
-Limits on the amount of cover
Clauses on the Risk
-Clauses on risk
-Advice and the element of cover
-Cause of action
-Clauses on risk - representing the client
-The professional as agent
-Clauses on risk - related services, property, goods and products
-Clauses on risk -- vicarious liability
-Claims- steps on the application for indemnity
-Claims and defences