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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition is due, details can be seen here:
Rowlatt on Principal and Surety 7th ed isbn 9780414052581

Rowlatt on Principal and Surety 6th ed

ISBN13: 9780421966406
New Edition ISBN: 9780414052581
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421390905
Published: November 2011
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This new edition of Rowlatt on Principal and Surety provides you with in-depth commentary and analysis of the law of suretyship and the law of guarantees.

Regularly cited in court, this well-known title examines the fundamental concepts and the latest developments in this area of the law, bringing you authority you can rely on.

  • Essential for lawyers and practitioners in all areas of commercial law, this book brings you trusted authority and extensive coverage of the law of suretyship and the law of guarantees
  • Provides a concise account of the law, including definitions and interpretations, allowing you to quickly and easily identify the key points when researching and preparing for a case or advising clients
  • Revised and updated to incorporate modern developments
  • Makes reference to Commonwealth and US authorities where relevant
  • Includes practical drafting guidance, such as a draft Bid Bond and a draft Advance Payment Bond as well as selected sections from relevant statutes including the Insolvency Act and recent EU legislation
  • Contains new material on performance bonds, statute of frauds, misrepresentation, undue influence, insolvency, unfair contract terms and construction of contracts
  • Includes a revised and expanded chapter on Consumer Credit to take into consideration the Consumer Credit Act 2006
  • Updated with the latest changes and developments in case law, such as Royal Bank of Scotland v. Etridge;

Commercial Law
Scope of the Law of Principal and Surety.
Statute of Frauds.
Construction and Effect of Guarantees.
Misrepresentation and Concealment.
Illegality Duress and Undue Influence.
Rights of a Surety.
Release of the Surety by Dealings of the Principal Contact.
Loss of Securities and Co-Sureties.
Statutes of Limitation.
Winding Up and Receivers.
Bills of Exchange and Negotiable Instruments.
Landlord and Tenant.
Building Contracts.
Consumer Credit.
Performance Bonds.
Stamp Duty.
Conflict of Laws.
Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Guarantees.