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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Legal Method and Systems: Text and Materials 4th ed isbn 9780414041837

Legal Methods and Systems: Text and Materials 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780421965409
New Edition ISBN: 9780414041837
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421799005
Published: May 2007
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Legal Methods and Systems: Text and Materials uses a text and materials format to provide a mini library and integrated teaching tool for Legal Method, English Legal System and Introduction to Law courses. The work introduces students to a range of different ways of thinking about the study of law including doctrinal, socio-legal and critical perspectives.

A wealth of materials and commentary is provided, along with a series of focused questions suitable for tutorials and essays. The work includes chapters on the constitutional aspects of legal method, adversarial process and alternative dispute resolution, and the implications of the EU and Human Rights Act 1998 for legal method.

More user-friendly features have been introduced to the new third edition including a ‘key concepts’ box for each chapter, and suggested further reading and web sources—making it easily accessible. Also new for the third edition:-

  • Features new material on the criminal law and systems
  • Includes new material on anti-terrorism legislation and case law as well as recent reforms to the tribunal system
  • Covers the latest legislative and case law developments
  • Features new material on the criminal trial and restorative justice

Legal Skills and Method
Introduction to legal method: Approaches to law and legal reasoning; Comparative law and legal method; Constitutional aspects of legal method: The rule of law and the supremacy of Parliament; Judicial review; The impact of membership in the European Union; The devolution of powers; Statutory interpretation: Introduction to legislation; Dispute Resolution: The Courts and Adjudication; Mediation and ADR.