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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Law of Finance 2nd ed isbn 9780414027640

The Law of Finance

ISBN13: 9780421947306
New Edition ISBN: 9780414027640
Published: June 2009
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Law of Finance aims, for the first time in a single volume, to account for the whole of international finance as understood in English law. The volume is divided into two halves with section one considering the principles of the law of finance and section two considering the full range of modern financial techniques in their legal context.

  • Provides the first comprehensive account of the whole of the law of finance in one volume
  • Enables understanding by going through the principles of the law first and then moving on to look at how, through a range of modern financial techniques, the law is applied in practice
  • Analyses the key principles of the EU financial services directives, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and the FSA Handbook
  • Explains the key concepts of the law of contracts, property, fiduciary duties and tort, as they apply to finance, which are the building blocks of the law of finance; and also explains practical issues such as the use of master agreements and techniques for taking security
  • Examines the core principles of private international law as they relate to global financial markets
  • Analyses the key areas of financial practice one-by one: customer banking; lending, syndicated lending and bonds; foreign exchange; securities markets; derivatives and collateralisation; takeovers; private equity; stock-lending; mortgages; collective investment schemes; pensions and insurance
  • Analyses the effect of the global financial crisis 2007/08 on the law of finance, with analysis of likely future litigation
  • Provides extra course support via podcasts on the author’s website (www.alastairhudson.com), together with updates, course materials and online links
  • Presents an original and comprehensive conceptualisation of the law of finance as a coherent field
  • The author is an award-winning law teacher with experience of working in financial markets
A practitioner's edition was published in December 2009

Banking and Finance
Section One: Principles of the Law of Finance
Part One: An ordering of the law of finance
Part Two: Substantive legal concepts in the law of finance
Part Three: Compliance with regulatory norms in finance
Part Four: Contract
Part Five: Property
Part Six: Wrongs
Section Two: Modern Financial Techniques in Legal Context
Part Seven: Domestic Banking
Part Eight: Lending
Part Nine: Stakeholding
Part Ten: Refinancing
Part Eleven: Proprietary finance
Part Twelve: Collective investment entities