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EU Anti-Subsidy Law and Practice 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780421915206
Previous Edition ISBN: 1902558324
Published: November 2007
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This fully updated second edition provides clear guidance on the procedures for tackling subsidized imports in the EU and practical advice when embarking upon the relevant anti-subsidy proceedings.

In one comprehensive work EU Anti-Subsidy Law and Practice looks at EU rules and their practical interpretation, and includes comment on avoiding procedural pitfalls when preparing a case. The reader is guided through the legal and practical considerations while taking into account how the World Trade Organisation and EU rules interact.

  • Provides clear guidance on the processes and powers of the European Commission in relation to anti-subsidy and the handling of anti-subsidy investigations
  • Addresses the concept of subsidisation and defines what a subsidy is
  • Looks at the circumstances in which subsidised imports cause injury to a community industry, helping to determine when a case can be made
  • Provides clarity on the definition of Community Interest
  • Looks at what countervailing measures involve and how they work
  • Provides commentary on when a subsidy could be a target of countervailing measures
  • Provides flowcharts explaining the processes involved in taking a case to court and the role that the
  • European commission Advisory Committee plays
  • Includes expert comment that alerts you to procedural pitfalls when preparing a case Looks at the practical interpretation of the EU rules and enables you to learn from the outcomes of previous cases
  • Explores the remedies and possible means of resolution available that avoid escalation of a case to countervailing measures
  • Looks at how EU and WTO rules interact and interprets the ways in which the international rules of the WTO have been handled by the European Commission

Competition Law, International Trade, EU Law
The GATT provisions
WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
Remedies under WTO law
Legal framework
Substantive elements: The concept of subsidisation
Substantive elements: injury and Community interest
The investigation
Countervailing measures
Reviews and refunds
Judicial remedies