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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Internet Law and Regulation 5th ed isbn 9780414047891

Internet Law and Regulation 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780421909908
New Edition ISBN: 9780414047891
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421705906
Published: September 2007
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

The fourth edition of this groundbreaking work provides a clear and authoritative explanation of the law governing the internet, both in the UK and globally. Written in a jargon-free style, it helps identify the practical legal questions likely to arise and explains how to deal with them effectively.

Analysis of the latest case law is a particular feature of this new edition, as the courts address the uncertainties created by the new technology. Recent judgments from both the UK and other jurisdictions are explained throughout the text.

  • Addresses key areas of contention such as copyright, trade marks and domain names, cross-border liability, internet payments, online contracts, advertising, defamation and data protection in an international context
  • Updates emerging areas of importance such as encryption, obscenity, freedom of speech, tax and competition law
  • Includes coverage of the UK implementations of the E-Commerce Directive, the Copyright in the Information Society Directive and the E-Signatures Directive; the Communications Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005
  • Deals with key international issues such as jurisdiction, applicable law and E.U. internal market questions
  • Covers important judgments such as King v Lewis, Bunt v Tilley and Totalise v Motley Fool.
  • Examines key international cases such as the Australian decisions in Gutnick and Cooper and the US Supreme Court decision in Grokster

IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
Overview of the Internet
Copyright, Patents and Confidential Information
Trade Marks and Domain Names
Content Liability and Protection
Enforcement and Cross-border Liability
Data Protection
Communications and Broadcasting Regulation
Contracts between ISPs, Content Owners and Others
Electronic Contracts and Transactions
Payment Mechanisms for Internet Commerce
Prohibited and Regulated Activities
Competition Law and the Internet