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Patenting Software Under the EPC 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780421904903
Previous Edition ISBN: 0752006339
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

This is the only publication to deal with the patenting of software in Europe from a patent attorney's perspective. It deciphers a confusing area of law, and provides all the necessary information on how to register a client's software patent successfully. It also contains an essential compendium of EPO case summaries, to help practitioners understand the context and importance of the decisions.

It will assist patent practitioners in the UK and Europe understand their own patent system, while educating patent attorneys from other jurisdictions (such as the US) who wish to obtain patent protection in Europe, helping them understand how the European system differs from their own processes.

It is divided into two parts, the first provides guidance on how to prepare a software patent and the second comprising a compendium of significant cases with commentary.

  • Written from a practitioner-oriented perspective, with clear, readable explanations of how to go about the patent application process
  • Covers the European process for patenting software, and in particular resolves the confusion that has persisted about whether or not it is possible to patent software
  • Deals with the new computer-related inventions Directive and its impact

Intellectual Property Law
The European Patent System and the definition of invention.
Technical features and technical effects in software.
Claim formulation to obtain grant.
Claim formulation for maximum protection.
Supporting the claims by the description.
Examples of granted software patents.
The Directive - history, effect, etc.
Business methods.
Special Topic I: User interfaces.
Special Topic II: Software for generating computer programs.
Special Topic III: The rejected document processing cases.
Special Topic IV: Business model patents and e-commerce.