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Sweet & Maxwell's (External LLB) Property Law Statutes 2004/05

ISBN13: 9780421891807
ISBN: 0421891807
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421847204
Published: August 2004
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

2004/05 edition Out Of Print - No new edition for 2005/06
Sweet & Maxwell's Statutes offer accurate and comprehensive coverage of all core and several popular optional subjects on current law courses. Compiled using data from WestlawUK, each text provides the most up-to-date statutory material and the quality and relevance of these selections is further assured by our experienced editors. Each title offers a clear layout, a chronological table of contents, a comprehensive index and para-numbering system and the lack of commentary makes these texts ideal for exam use.

New editions are produced in line with the frequency of legal developments and full updates and amendments to legislation can be found on the Sweet & Maxwell's Statutes web site between editions (www. sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/academics/statutes) Designed specifically to meet the needs of students, Sweet & Maxwell's Statutes are an essential and affordable purchase for all those following LLB and CPE programmes.

Student Statutes