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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
EC Merger Control 5th ed isbn 9781847038074

EC Merger Control 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780421886704
ISBN: 0421886706
New Edition ISBN: 9781847038074
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421660805
Published: December 2005
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This well-known and highly respected text provides a complete guide to the regulation of mergers by the EU competition authorities. This fourth edition has been extensively revised to cover in-depth the new EC Merger Regulations (in force on 1st May 2004) which have transformed the EC merger regime. It examines the obligations large firms/businesses now face, provides detailed discussion of the separate issues and sets out a series of practical suggestions for working legally under the new regime.

  • Examines the new EC Merger Regulation in detail
  • Explains the new test of campatabilty based on the concept of ""significantly impeding competition""
  • Deals with the Commission's strengthened powers to investigate and impose fines
  • Sets out strategies for working effectively in this new environment
  • Analyses the Horizontal Merger Guidelines and other recent Commission notices
  • Includes the text of relevent legislation (including the Merger Regulations)
  • Features a table of EU merger decisions
  • Considers developments in US and Commonwealth competition regimes, putting the EU changes into global context
  • Timely publication - new edition of an established work at a time when guidance is needed most

Competition Law
Community Dimension.
Notification and Investigation.
Appraisal of Concentrations.
Decisions, Undertakings etc.
National Authorities and National Law.