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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Phipson on Evidence 17th ed isbn 9781847036063

Phipson on Evidence 16th ed

ISBN13: 9780421874701
ISBN: 0421874708
New Edition ISBN: 9781847036063
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421762802
Published: August 2005
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Phipson on Evidence is the leading work on civil and criminal evidence. It examines in detail all aspects of the complex principles and procedures which make up the law of evidence.

The foremost authority on this area of law, with an international reputation for excellence, this edition work has been written by an author team of unparalleled breadth and depth of experience.

This ensures that every area is covered in depth, and that the work can be relied upon to solve even the most complex questions relating to evidence.

Given the many significant developments since the last edition published in 1999 and the international authority and standing of the text, this new edition will be warmly welcomed by civil and criminal practitioners alike.

  • A one-stop source of information - brings the work completely up to date to cover all recent major developments in case law and legislation
  • Deals with the fundamental changes introduced by the Criminal Justice Act 2003
  • Comprehensively covers all the areas of the law of evidence from both a civil and criminal perspective
  • Considers in depth the complex mix of rules, principles and practice

Evidence, Common Law Library
Matters of which evidence is unnecessary.
The defining of issues.
Burden and standard of proof.
Relevance, admissibility and weight.
Attendance of witnesses.
Competence and compellability.
Evidence taken before trial.
Rules of evidence relating to the course of a trial.
Evidence taken after trial.
Identity and identification.
The proof of physical conditions, states of mind.
Facts excluded by public policy.
The rule against hearsay.
Hearsay in civil proceedings.
Hearsay in criminal proceedings.
Agency, partnership, companies.
Statements in the presence and documents in the possession of a party.
The right to silence.
Judicial discretion to admit or exclude evidence.
Res Gestae.
Common law exceptions to the rule against hearsay.
Evidence of opinion.
Probates, verdicts, awards.
Authorship and execution.
Contents of documents generally.
Exclusion of extrinsic evidence.
Admission of extrinsic evidence.