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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
The Insurance of Commercial Risks: Law and Practice 4th ed isbn 9780414046207

The Insurance of Commercial Risks: Law and Practice 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780421824409
ISBN: 0421824409
New Edition ISBN: 9780414046207
Published: September 2001
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Now in a new edition, this highly regarded work has been fully updated, restructured and substantially expanded and is the only specialist text devoted to the law relating to the insurance of commercial risks.

  • Comprehensive on the relevant principles of insurance law and their application to commercial insurances, including a new chapter on the duties and liabilities of insurance brokers and intermediaries
  • Fully updated coverage of the law relating to liability (e.g. public liability, employer's liability and commercial vehicle), property and other insurances (e.g. buildings, contents and contractors')
  • New chapter on litigation and procedural matters embracing costs orders against liability insurers, disclosure, joinder of insurers, the insured's cause of action and limitation of actions
  • Deals with all aspects of claims including notification, rights of insurers and direct statutory claims against insurers
  • Expansion of appendices to include specimen policies from major insurers, relevant statutes and statutory instruments, MIB agreements and the GISC's Commercial Code

Insurance Law
Part I: General.
The nature of insurance contracts.
Conditions and warranties.
Insurance brokers' role and liability for negligent performance.
Part II: Liability insurances: Employers.
Directors and officers.
Warranty and indemnity.
Commercial vehicles insurance.
Part III: Property and other insurances.
Buildings insurance.
Contents insurance.
Carriers' insurance.
Theft by employee (fidelity insurance).
Consequential loss insurance.
Contractors' insurance.
Part IV: Claims.
The loss.
The indemnity.
Rights of the insurer.
Third party rights against insurer.
Litigation and procedural matters.