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VAT Planning Strategies for Property Transactions 8th ed

ISBN13: 9780421774605
ISBN: 0421774606
Published: October 2002
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

VAT Planning Strategies for Property Transactions is an invaluable tool providing a wealth of tax planning ideas for structuring property transactions. Completely unique in its approach, it focuses on the various tax saving strategies available and offers countless hints, tips and ideas on how to mitigate VAT across the whole spectrum of property transactions.

    Provides clear and detailed guidance on VAT * Includes precedent clauses, questions and answers, checklists and diagrams to clarify complex areas * Full of useful examples, highlighting the various pitfalls and how to avoid them as well as the numerous opportunities available and how to exploit them * Completely updated to take into consideration a wide variety of developments.

Stamp Duty, Conveyancing
Introduction. Transactions taxable at the standard rate. Domestic buildings. Commercial buildings. Mortgages, dealings with leases and transfers of business. Timing of supplies. Gifts, sales at undervalue and death. Appendices.