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The Conveyancer's Tax Primer

ISBN13: 9780421703506
ISBN: 0421703504
Published: September 1999
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

There are numerous potential tax pitfalls when carrying out conveyancing transactions that, if not spotted, can cost clients dear and may lead to claims for negligence. The purpose of this book is to assist the practitioner in identifying the danger areas, and to ensure that the client receives proper advice on them. The book reviews the Hurlingham case, and goes on to discuss the problems of self-assessment in relation to conveyancing transactions. It also looks at individual taxes and their impact on conveyances and transfer. * Includes useful transactional checklist * Handy list of elections and claims which may be met in connection with a conveyance.
