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Adoption Law:
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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Charlesworth's Company Law 17th ed isbn 9780421887909

Charlesworth & Morse on Company Law 16th ed

ISBN13: 9780421652606
ISBN: 0421652608
New Edition ISBN: 0421887907
Published: May 1999
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Charlesworth & Morse: Company Law is a long established favourite among students and practitioners of company law, providing explanations of all aspects of the subject. The writing style is succinct and easy to read, and enough detail is provided for the reader to gain a thorough understanding of each topic.

The book is particularly popular with newly-qualified practitioners due to its concise but lucid treatment of such a complicated area of the law and its value for money price.

* Succinct writing style combined with detailed coverage
* Valuable as an aide-memoire to the practitioner.

Nature of registered companies.; Classification of registered companies. ;Memorandum of Association. ;Articles of Association. ;Promoters. ;Corporate transactions.; Public offer of shares.; Allotment and commencement of business.; Share capital. ;The acquisition and redemption by a company of its own shares. ;Financial assistance by a company for the purchase of its own shares.; Membership. ;Shares.; General meetings. ;Directors. ;The Secretary. ;Majority rule and minority protection. ;Corporate governance. ;Insider dealing.; Accounts. ;Auditors.; Dividends.; Debentures. ;Corporate insolvency. ;Receivers and administrative receivers. ;Administration orders. ;Winding up by the court. ;Voluntary winding up. ;Contributors and creditors: completion of the winding up. ;Mergers and divisions. ;Take-overs.;