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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been abandoned before publication:
IT Law in the European Union 2nd ed (Abandoned) isbn 9780421838703

IT Law in the European Union

ISBN13: 9780421636408
ISBN: 0421636408
New Edition ISBN: 0421838701
Published: October 1999
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

A major challenge for the future is how the legal framework in which networks such as the Internet operate can be integrated and co-ordinated on a worldwide level. This book examines how the EU is responding to this challenge, providing a discussion of all European legislation that deals with information technology.

The authors discuss the six main areas which influence IT law in Europe, namely intellectual property, privacy and data protection, competition law, computer contracts, computer crime and telecommunications.

  • Authoritative commentary on IT law in the EU
  • Addresses the full European impact of Directives
  • Discusses the issues from a European perspective.

IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
Intellectual property.; Privacy and data protection.; Competition law.; Computer contracts. ;Computer crime.; Telecommunications.