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Working with Technology: LAw and Practice

ISBN13: 9780421598102
ISBN: 0421598107
Published: April 2001
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This book is written by a group of authors who are specialists in some of the more important legal disciplines associated with the field, with practical experience of matters such as patent prosecution, licensing, and litigation strategy, and by people with a thorough knowledge of funding for technology. There is separate introductory material for those who are unfamiliar with the subject matter. For readers who do not have ready access to legislation, a disk containing basic statutory and E.C. material is provided. This book is a useful guide to lawyers, patent agents, licensing executives, university liaison offices, commercial advisers to charities, and others dealing with the funding, protection and exploitation of rights in the field of technology.

IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
Introduction to commercial funding. UK public sector funding. Venture capital. European Community funding. University perspective on finding schemes for research and technology transfer. The industry perspective. Introduction to intellectual property. The law of patents. The law of confidence. Copyright. Design right. The law of trade marks. Ownership of intellectual property rights. EC competition law and intellectual property. Competition law in the UK. US antitrust law. Introduction on agreements. Research and development agreements. Business structures. Assignment - the outright transfer of rights. Licensing. Drawing up the license. Remedies and how to get them.