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A Practical Guide 2nd ed

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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Cousins on The Law of Mortgages 3rd ed isbn 9780421914100

The Law of Mortgages 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780421529502
ISBN: 0421529504
New Edition ISBN: 9780421914100
Published: September 2001
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

With Cousins: The Law of Mortgages you can turn to a comprehensive explanation of the law and practice concerning mortgages and related court proceedings. Every type of mortgage agreement is covered, with the rights and duties of the parties involved clearly explained. Areas of dispute between mortgagors and mortgagees are carefully examined, together with the available remedies to each party.

With a thorough consideration of statute law and a detailed assessment of relevant judicial decisions, you can consult this title in the Property and Conveyancing Library for guidance and help in all aspects of mortgage law and related proceedings.

  • Explains the changes in court procedure under the CPR, including the new CPR Part 55
  • Includes five new chapters on Equitable Mortgages of Land, Mortgages over Miscellaneous Interests in Land, Insolvency of the Mortgagor, Defences to Claims by the Mortgagee and Court Proceedings
  • Sets out a range of forms and precedents which include appropriate clauses for legal charges and mortgages, equitable mortgages, receipts, surrenders and releases, transfers and Land Registry forms.

Property Law
Property & Conveyancing Library
Creation of mortgages and charges.
Local authority and building society mortgages.
Priority of mortgages.
Extensive precedents and forms.
Full consideration of the Housing Acts, Matrimonial Homes Act 1983 and the Building Societies Act 1986.
Decisions such as City of London Building Society v. Flegg.