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The EC Directive on Rental and Lending Rights and on Piracy

ISBN13: 9780421493902
ISBN: 0421493909
Published: December 1993
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

The Directive has a major impact upon the way that the film, video, broadcasting and music industries deal with rights and the division of royalties. It is the cornerstone of EC efforts to harmonise the laws of the Member States in the area of copyright and neighbouring rights. This book is an invaluable tool for practitioners and advisers in understanding how the regime created by the Directive works in practice. The authors explain the impact that the Directive has on the existing laws of each EC and EFTA country.

Section 1: The evolution of the Directive.
Section 2: Commentary on the Articles of the Directive.
Section 3: The position in the Member State Section 4: The position in the EFTA Countries.
Section 5: The Position at International leval; The Directive as compared to International conventions, the Directive in the light of International activities.