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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
The Trade Union and Industrial Relations Acts of Ireland 4th ed isbn 9781858006864

The Trade Union and Industrial Relations Acts of Ireland

ISBN13: 9780421449206
ISBN: 0421449209
New Edition ISBN: 9781858006864
Published: September 1991
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This work brings together in one source all the industrial relations and trade union statutory material in force in Ireland today. This provides a major service to the practitioner, for although the Industrial Relations Act 1990 substantially reformed Irish law in this area, sections from a number of earlier Acts remain in force, including four pieces of pre-1922 legislation which have since been repealed within the jurisdiction of the UK. * The first time all such extant legislation has been collected together - much of which is not otherwise easily available * Each Act and Statutory Instrument is annotated with reference to case law, books, articles and parlimentary debates * All textual amendments, adaptions and repeals are clearly shown.

Include Industrial Relations Act 1990. Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1875. Trade Union Act 1913. Trade Union Act 1941. Industrial Relations Act 1946.