Handbook of Dilapidations Looseleaf
ISBN13: 9780421445000
Latest Release: February 28, 2025
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf, 2 Volumes
Subscription Type: Pay-as-you-go
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The Handbook takes a highly practical view of the law and practice of dilapidations with regard to both commercial and residential property. In one looseleaf volume it contains both materials and narrative guidance on dealing with problems once they have arisen.
- A practical narrative follows the possible claim from the interpretation of the lease terms through to the settlement of the schedule of dilapidations
- A digest of some 250 cases provides quick access to the major case law in the area
- Sections of forms, precedents and court rules offer clear procedural guidance
Subscription Information: 5 updating releases per year, charged separately.