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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
The Law of Public and Utilities Procurement 2nd ed isbn 9780421758506

The Law of Public and Utilities Procurement

ISBN13: 9780421444607
ISBN: 0421444606
New Edition ISBN: 0421758503
Published: April 1996
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out Of Print
This book is the first fully comprehensive analysis of the legal regulation of procurement in the United Kingdom, covering purchasing by public bodies as well as by privatised utilities. It provides a detailed examination of the law, illustrated by practical examples, including an in-depth focus on ""grey"" areas.

* Covers the European Community and WTO (GATT) rules, and the United Kingdom Procurement Regulations
* Market testing and compulsory competitive tendering (CCT)
* Also covers other rules regulating procurement.

Local Government Law
The common law and statutory framework; European Community policy on procurement; procurement under the EC Treaty; the public sector regulations - scope, aware procedures, qualification, special procedures; the utilities regulations - scope, award procedures; the EC rules on specifications; contracting out, market testing and CCT; CCT - scope of the rules, award.