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The Law and Practice of Domestic Banking 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780421413801
ISBN: 0421413808
Published: October 2000
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £42.95

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This edition of Domestic Banking presents a comprehensive survey of the law of banking as it relates to the banking community today, and is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students of banking law.

The requirements of the Chartered Institute of Bankers' Law Relating to Banking examination have been taken into account. Comprehensive coverage includes:-

  • Payment methods: ranging from traditional methods, such as negotiable instruments and cheques to cards and new technology
  • Securities and Banks: different types of bank security are considered, including mortgages, company charges and life insurance. Other methods of ensuring payment, such as guarantees and reservation of title clauses are discussed
  • Insolvency: the implications for banks of the insolvency of customers, both personal and company, are examined, together with an introduction to other regimes - receivership, administration and voluntary arrangements.

Banking and Finance
Table of Abbreviations ;
Table of Cases ;
Table of Statutes
Table of Statutory Instruments
Table of European Directives
Table of International Treaties and Conventions
Banking Regulation in the United Kingdom ;
Banker and Customer
Incidents of Banker-Customer Relationships
The Banker's Duty of Confidence
Duties of Confidence
The Paying Bank: Duty of Care
Paying Bank and Customer: Liability for Unauthorised Debts ;
Banks and Some Elements of Trusts ;
Rights to Recover Money in Restitution ;
The Banker's Lien, Right of Appropriation and Combination of Accounts
Payment Methods ;
Negotiable Instruments
Cheques ;
Cards and New Technology
Subrogation and Subordination
Introduction to Securities and Banks
Company Securities
Reservation of Title Clauses
Land as Security
Life Assurance
Insolvency and Banks