Potter and Monroe's Tax Planning with Precedents Looseleaf 12th (Annual)
ISBN13: 9780421406407
Latest Release: January 27, 2025
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf, 1 Binder
Subscription Type: Annual Subscription
Domestic Renewal Price: £2766.24
Overseas Renewal Price: £2838.24
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Potter and Monroe gives clear examination of the various methods of disposal of income and capital.
- The advantages and disadvantages of each method of disposal in view of the various taxes which may apply
- Numerous carefully drawn precedents feature at the end of each chapter
- The rules relating to non-resident, or offshore, trusts as affected by the provisions of the 1991 Finance Act
- Revenue - Subscribers also receive this newsletter as part of the service. It monitors direct tax and Customs & Excise developments
Subscription Information: 4-5 updating releases per year