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The Law of Redundancy 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780421339002
ISBN: 0421339004
Published: February 1989
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

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Since 1981, and the last edition of this text, the law of redundancy has undergone a profound change in emphasis. The "enterprise culture" of the 1980s has had its impact, forcing employers to restructure their businesses. In this climate of change, the law has had to adapt.

This text covers the following topics in detail: compulsory consultation with recognized unions, dismissal, lay-off and short-time and the offer of new employment. Further consideration is given to redundancy payments, employer's rebates, guaranteed payments and unfair dismissal for redundancy.

This new edition also includes detailed examination of the decision of the House of Lords in "Polkey v Dayton (AE) Services." "The Law of Redundancy" is a thorough analysis which will prove invaluable to solicitors and barristers as well as Trade Union officials, personnel managers and anyone involved in Labour relations Law.

Employment Law