Precedents for the Conveyancer Looseleaf
ISBN13: 9780421255203
Latest Release: February 14, 2025
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf, 2 Volumes
Subscription Type: Annual Subscription
Domestic Renewal Price: £1864.80
Overseas Renewal Price: £1936.80
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This large set of precedents covering a broad range of property and property-related transactions is published in two looseleaf volumes.
- Arranged in 19 sections with each precedent accompanied by detailed explanatory notes
- Updated four times a year, enabling a speedy response to topical developments
- Includes new Land Registry forms and the RICS's Common Auction Conditions
Subscription Information: 4 updating releases per year. The first year's updating issues are supplied as part of the initial purchase price. Subscribers are then charged annually for subsequent updating. Any time start annual subscription for this title. We will contact you before renewal each year to ascertain whether you wish to renew your subscription.