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Failures and the Law

ISBN13: 9780419220800
ISBN: 0419220801
Published: July 1996
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Format: Hardback
Price: £145.00

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The interaction between engineering and the law is undergoing dramatic changes. Product liability, laws have been introduced in Japan, patent claims over living organisms have been made in bioengineering and the differing national laws of copyright protection and liability are in the process of harmonisation, especially in the European Union. The pace and complexity of these changes make it essential for technologists, lawyers, engineers and insurance experts to establish a common basis for understanding, co-operation and exchange of expertise. The recently founded International Society for Technology, Law and Insurance aims to foster such co-operation. This volume features 46 selected contributions which address various topical issues and the law. The most important issues relate to engineering risks, quality assurance and assessment and legal implications assiciated with them. Recent failure cases are explained and the technical, legal and insurance-related issues discussed in detail.

Preface. Introduction. Engineering, risk, quality and the law: Prevention of human failure. - G.A Peters. The ambiguous nature of the terms hazard, risk and danger as they are used by the lay public, technologists and attorneys.- D. Muster. Adequacy of consumer product warnings: a legal review and recommendations. - N.C. Silver. Language and font sizes of warnings: a review and implications.- N.C. Silver, R. Ferrante, G. Morris. The product liability law in Japan. - T. Yamanda. Activity of JSME PL committee. - Y. Murakami. Reliability, risk and insurance: three sides of a special coin. - P.F. Frutuoso e Melo, N.H. Hurtado, P. Kaleff. The forensic engineering study of catastrophic failures in the United States. - M. Sabbighian, D.e. Becnel, Jr, F.C. Dudenhefer, Jr. Improved design through failure analsis. - I. LeMay. Using failure mode and effects analysis to improve product safety. - R.E. McClay. Quality assurance contracts: necessary details and limits of responsibility. - C.O. Bauer. Can patenting prevent failure? - P. Revy von Belvard. Case studies: Multiple fatalities caused by loss of a tractor-trailer's load. - A.A. Johnson. Fatigue in tank vehicles. - T. Svensson, H. Torstensson. Use of rigid body dynamics theory to resolve a complicated patent litigation claim. - B. Ross, J. Kokarakis. A fatal accident caused by a spindle/knuckle separation. - K.L. Sales, A.A. Johnson. Concrete deterioration in an old oil refinery in the Arabian gulf-case study. - O.K.Daoud, I.A. Ibrahim. Engineering analysis of the EXXON VALDEZ trackline path and grounding. - R. Kadlec, E. Beres, D. Hayes. Hydrodynamic modelling of the EXXON VALDEZ using full-scale sea trails. - R. Kadlec, F. Bayan, E. Beres. Limitation of operational forces in , power-operated doors and gates. - L.D. Anderson, H.O. Torstensson. Structural dynamics of step ladders: failure of defective wood step. - M.A. Eisenberg. Case studies in lifting equipment. - C.E. Nicholson, P.F. Heyes. Fretting cracking and its prevention: application in transmission line fatigue. - Z.R. Zhou, A. Cardou, S. Goudreau, M. Fiset, L. Vincent. Analysis of a polyethylene plant explosion. - S.W. Winder, D.R. Hayes. Failure analysis of a valve and court room consequences. - C.P. Hoogensen. Explosion of an oil tank at a thermoelectric power plant. - O.F Ally. Statistics of transmission pipeline fractures. - V.V. Polyakov, V.V.Kharionovsky. Materials and failure mechanisms: A failure of a material or of advanced technical education - implications of an expected material failure. - R Fiedler. Application of automatic learning of failure cases to optimal reliability. - J. Zarka, M. Terrien. Intelligent system of failure analysis. - J. Jazwinski, K. Wazinska-Fiok, J. Zurek. Pr