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Human Trafficking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

ISBN13: 9780415892254
Published: March 2012
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Today, there are more people held as slaves than at any other point in history Estimates as to the number of those enslaved range from 4 million to 27 million. The United States is a growing "customer" and economic driver for this horrific trade, as legal and illegal immigration to the country grows dramatically. The problem has received some sensational television coverage and law enforcement agencies are paying increased attention to the issue. However, this is not enough. It is necessary to increase the extent to which issues related to human trafficking are understood and addressed and for those with experience in the anti-slavery movement of this century, to make their expertise available to others. This text text will do just that with its wide range of chapter authors from a variety of academic disciplines and professions, all of whom have extensive knowledge and ideas about this important issue. This text also stands out as written specifically for undergraduate and graduate student teaching.

Criminal Law
Section I: Human Trafficking Explained Introduction
1. Historical Perspective: Slavery throughout Time
2. Slavery Today: Definitions and Prevalence
3. How it Works: The Traffickers and their Methods

Section II: A Closer Look
4. Sociological Perspective: Underlying Causes
5. Economics: Human Trafficking and the Global Economy
6. Gender Issues in Human Trafficking
7. Common Forms: Labor and Sex Trafficking
8. The Child Slave
9. State Sponsored and Other Forms of Slavery

Section III: The Anti-Slavery Movement
10. Legal Perspectives: Human Trafficking as a Transnational Crime
11. International and U.S. Based Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Humans
12. Community Based Responses
13. Psychological Implications: Trauma & Mental Health

Section IV: Training/Special Topics in Human Trafficking
14. Training Considerations for Law Enforcement (Holtz and/or Bornyak)
15. Training Considerations for Health Care and Social Service Personnel
16.Solving the Problem/Getting Involved

Series: Criminology and Justice Studies

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Published November 2013